Organizational Development

BSA GED Program

Any BSA employee who wants to obtain their GED can do so through Amarillo College. Employees who pass all sections of the GED class will receive a $500 bonus with proper documentation of passing. To enroll, contact the Amarillo College Adult Education Department at 806-371-5425. GED classes are held at the Amarillo College campus. For questions, contact 806-212-5601 or 806-212-5578.

Tuition Assistance Program

The Tuition Assistance Program is designed to meet the educational needs of full and part time employees to to encourage development through education for positions within the health system. Assistance is subject to the availability of funds each year.

Employees who are interested in the Tuition Assistance Program must fill out and submit the proper paperwork, including supervisor recommendation by the stated deadline, prior to the start of the semester. Applications may be obtained by contacting Organizational Development. Only a limited number of recipients will be chosen each semester.

To be considered for assistance you must be a current BSA employee in good standing, with a minimum of six months of employment. Participants who are granted Tuition Assistance must work a minimum of two years for BSA after completion of the degree. For questions, call 806-212-3213.

Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program

BSA offers a Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program to help employees who have acquired student loans, while pursuing a professional healthcare degree. Employees must be current, full-time and in a clinical role with student loan debt that is related to a healthcare degree. To be considered for loan assistance, applicants must have graduated with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and received a Meets Expectations or better on the last performance evaluation.

Employees can apply for the Student Loan Repayment Assistance Program at any time. Employees who are interested must submit the proper paperwork, as well as official documentation of the current outstanding balance owed on the student loan debt. For more information, contact 212-5601.

BSA Continuing Education Units (CEU)

BSA provides opportunities for nurses to receive Continuing Education Units (CEU):

Amarillo College Continuing Education Classes: Amarillo College offers contact hours for nurses on a variety of topics. Click here for a list of those classes. //

In service: Programs presented within the facility, usually ½ to 1 hour in length and directly related to the employee’s assigned work responsibility, area and position. Sign up for classes on BSA NetLearning (link) or contact your clinical educator for more information.